I have always been amazed by the incredible levels of organization that biomolecular machines can reach. Before the PhD, I had an interdisciplinary formation mixing physics, bioinformatics, and theoretical aspects of molecular biology. Now I intend to use that experience and acquire new ones for understanding how Influenza A Virus can promote the emergence of liquid-like structures during infection and how it relates to its genome assembly. Besides science, I love to be in touch with Arts, especially theatre, poetry, and music.
Center for disease control and prevention | Influenza (flu)
USA based site reporting flu activity, among many other topics related to health and infectious diseases. In relation to influenza, this site is constantly updated and has an excellent data repository about past and current flu pandemics and epidemics. World Health Organization | Influenza The WHO is the United Nation's public health organization. It was formed 60 years ago. In the website you will find information on many health topics including influenza infections. Concerning influenza viruses, besides information on the virus, viral surveillance, updates on virus in circulation, you will also find an excellent repository data. World Health Organization | Global Influenza Programme Global influenza programme is part of the WHO website and contains updates on influenza A viruses currently in circulation and repository data, including yearly reports. European centre for disease prevention and control | Influenza This site contains useful information about seasonal, pandemic, avian and swine influenza. You will also find reports on the epidemiology of the virus and current news about influenza in general. Gripenet (site in Portuguese) | If you want to get information suitable for kids about influenza infection, this is the place to go. You will also help in identifying peaks of influenza infection because gripenet is a citizen based surveillance platform for Flu. DID YOU KNOW: To access any scientific paper directly you can use the following internet address: http://dx.doi.org/ followed by the doi of the paper you want to read. |
Database about viruses. It is a brilliant website containing representative illustrations of viruses from each family, genera and species, their viral "life cycle", most significant viruses and diseases. This week in virology | TWIV This is a brilliant website, with daily updated news about virology and a weekly podcast that is educational and at the same time good fun. Also consider the twin sites discussing parasitology and microbiology that are known as "this week in parasitology or microbiology", respectively. The big picture book on viruses Excellent source of virus pictures on the Internet and as an educational resource about viruses. In this site one will find teaching tutorials, general knowledge about viruses and many links including the comprehensive list of virology books listed below. The Naked Scientists The Naked Scientists provide updated news on a wide variety of scientific areas including occasional reports in virology. They broadcast a fun podcast, give examples of easy experiments, have many interviews, host a scientific forum and do much much more. Surely, there is no need to introduce PUBMED. The Ohio University site: The science behind the germs This website talks about viruses and other microbes. It has many useful articles and links, including to sites for teaching children. BOOKS IN VIROLOGY
Fields in Virology
A very good textbook divided by viral families. It explains viral pathogenesis, epidemiology and "life cycle". Currently in the 6th edition this book has been used by many virology students all over the world. Principles of Virology A comprehensive textbook on viruses, already in the 4th edition. It is announced as being "ideal for teaching the strategies by which all viruses reproduce, spread within a host, and are maintained within populations. It is appropriate for undergraduate courses in virology and microbiology as well as graduate courses in virology and infectious diseases". The virology bookshop - List of books in Virology A-Z Comprehensive list of books from A to Z with information on prize (in USD) and ways to order them. |