April 2023
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September 2022
1st LOFlu conference
The LOFLU meeting brought together 17 researchers to discuss how viruses integrate the principles of phase separation driving the formation of biomolecular condensates in their lifecycles, using influenza as model virus. These researchers comprise cell biologists, virologists, biochemists, that utilize in vitro, ex-vivo, and animal models of infection (even with complex systems) because LOFlu aims to understand the molecular interactions, regulatory mechanisms and physiological relevance of biological condensates in influenza infection. Two of the key collaborators in LOFlu were present or represented in the meeting: Yohei Yamauchi, with whom we started looking into how phase separation regulates metabolism in infected cells and Petr Chlanda, represented by his PhD student, Moritz Wachsmuth-Melm, with whom we look into the structure of influenza induced liquid viral inclusions. As such, these researchers not only presented their own work, but also provided feedback related to their expertise on the work developed in LOFlu. With this strategy, we wanted to critically assess the progression in the projects being developed under LOFlu and identify key questions that needed resolving and how. This 2-day meeting had an outstanding scientific quality, led to strengthening of international collaborations and provided valuable input for the three manuscripts that are being prepared for submission funded by the ERC COG_101001521_LOFlu.
As of 1st of September, Maria João Amorim is an Associate Professor at the Católica Medical School, Universidade Católica Portuguesa and will serve as vice-director of the new Católica Biomedical Research Centre.
Read more here
Read more here
June 2022
Nuno Santos, former phd in the CBV lab has been awarded a #EMBO postdoctoral fellowship to explore fundamental virology of SARS-CoV-2 with @DavidLVBauer at @TheCrick.
Nuno Santos, former phd in the CBV lab has been awarded a #EMBO postdoctoral fellowship to explore fundamental virology of SARS-CoV-2 with @DavidLVBauer at @TheCrick.
February 2022
Instituto Gulbenkian Ciência (IGC) researchers Elisa Jentho and Qian Wu from the Inflammation Lab, and Maria João Amorim from the Cell Biology of Viral Infection Lab have recently been awarded 4.000€ each in the first edition of the SymbNET Research Grants.
Instituto Gulbenkian Ciência (IGC) researchers Elisa Jentho and Qian Wu from the Inflammation Lab, and Maria João Amorim from the Cell Biology of Viral Infection Lab have recently been awarded 4.000€ each in the first edition of the SymbNET Research Grants.
August 2021
Our paper from Marta Alenquer et al. published in Plos Pathogens was mentioned in Portuguese media.
Press release - NATIONAL:
Our paper from Marta Alenquer et al. published in Plos Pathogens was mentioned in Portuguese media.
Press release - NATIONAL:
July 2021
Our paper form Nuno Santos et al. published in Plos Pathogens was mentioned in Portuguese media.
Press release - NATIONAL:
Our paper form Nuno Santos et al. published in Plos Pathogens was mentioned in Portuguese media.
Press release - NATIONAL:
Maria João Amorim was awarded with an ERC Consolidator Grant “Controlling influenza A virus liquid organelles (Loflu)”.
Press release:
9th December 2020, my awarded ERC consolidator grant “Controlling influenza A virus liquid organelles (Loflu)” was highlighted by the ERC as example as funded grants https://erc.europa.eu/news-events/magazine/erc-2020-consolidator-grants-examples#LOFlu
- 10th December 2020 my awarded ERC consolidator grant “Controlling influenza A virus liquid organelles (Loflu)” was explained in the Journal Público. http://pt.cision.com/cp2013/ClippingDetails.aspx?id=a268409a-7de4-4fa2-ba82-2cbf1bae2c8e&userid=8cebaf73-3df7-4502-91a2-ca3f238fa3f8
- 10th December 2010 several media as part as a news from LUSA (Sábado, Observador, JN, JM highlighted my ERC consolidator grant “Controlling influenza A virus liquid organelles (Loflu)” as ”Onze investigadores portugueses com bolsas europeias” https://lifestyle.sapo.pt/saude/noticias-saude/artigos/onze-investigadores-portugueses-com-bolsas-europeias; https://www.jm-madeira.pt/nacional/ver/112111/Onze_investigadores_portugueses_com_bolsas_europeias;https://www.jn.pt/nacional/onze-cientistas-portugueses-ganham-23-milhoes-de-euros-em-bolsas-13121767.html;https://observador.pt/2020/12/09/onze-investigadores-portugueses-com-bolsas-europeias/; https://www.sabado.pt/ciencia---saude/detalhe/onze-investigadores-portugueses-com-bolsas-europeias.
Maria João Amorim was awarded with an ERC Consolidator Grant “Controlling influenza A virus liquid organelles (Loflu)”.
Press release:
9th December 2020, my awarded ERC consolidator grant “Controlling influenza A virus liquid organelles (Loflu)” was highlighted by the ERC as example as funded grants https://erc.europa.eu/news-events/magazine/erc-2020-consolidator-grants-examples#LOFlu
- 10th December 2020 my awarded ERC consolidator grant “Controlling influenza A virus liquid organelles (Loflu)” was explained in the Journal Público. http://pt.cision.com/cp2013/ClippingDetails.aspx?id=a268409a-7de4-4fa2-ba82-2cbf1bae2c8e&userid=8cebaf73-3df7-4502-91a2-ca3f238fa3f8
- 10th December 2010 several media as part as a news from LUSA (Sábado, Observador, JN, JM highlighted my ERC consolidator grant “Controlling influenza A virus liquid organelles (Loflu)” as ”Onze investigadores portugueses com bolsas europeias” https://lifestyle.sapo.pt/saude/noticias-saude/artigos/onze-investigadores-portugueses-com-bolsas-europeias; https://www.jm-madeira.pt/nacional/ver/112111/Onze_investigadores_portugueses_com_bolsas_europeias;https://www.jn.pt/nacional/onze-cientistas-portugueses-ganham-23-milhoes-de-euros-em-bolsas-13121767.html;https://observador.pt/2020/12/09/onze-investigadores-portugueses-com-bolsas-europeias/; https://www.sabado.pt/ciencia---saude/detalhe/onze-investigadores-portugueses-com-bolsas-europeias.
Feb 2020 - August 2021
- 28th February 2020 – Interviewed by Sic Notícias on the topic of influenza versus SARS-CoV-2. https://sicnoticias.pt/especiais/coronavirus/2020-02-28-Coronavirus-como-Portugal-esta-preparado.
- Participation in the documentary – the art of cure, episode X – recorded on 03rd of March 2020.
- 11th March 2020 – Interviewed by Pavilhão do Conhecimento - Centro Ciência Viva concerning viral epidemics and pandemics.
- 14th March 2020 – Interviewed by Journal DN on the topic of COVID-19: https://www.dn.pt/edicao-do-dia/14-mar-2020/maria-joao-amorim-como-virologista-acho-que-e-muito-importante-a-prevencao-para-conter-o-virus-11928813.html
- 15th March 2020 -Interviewed for podcast 45 GRAUS (45 degrees) on the COVID19 – What is this new virus and how does it spread. https://45graus.parafuso.net/2020/03/15/especial-covid-19-maria-joo-amorim-que-vrus-este-e-como-se-comporta/
- 22nd March 2020 – interview on the news TV show 360º, RTP3, for awareness of COVID19, https://www.rtp.pt/play/p6656/e463096/360/815034-
- 02nd April 2020 – speaker on webinar about “COVID19” to the public, with Diana Lousa ITQB, Thiago Carvalho Champalimaud Foundation, Vasco Barreto CEDOC and Pedro Simas IMM, António Roldão, iBET. buff.ly/3dIuul5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvRBKm_NM30&feature=youtu.be
- 04th April 2020 – Interview for DN journal about how the vaccine BCG could confer protection to SARS-CoV-2 infection. https://www.dn.pt/vida-e-futuro/vacina-contra-a-tuberculose-pode-dar-alguma-protecao-12030508.html?fbclid=IwAR3YVVeIsCuWv56mNZYt0sV_0v4MpFO_zQhxnmozwH4s1d0uzAWXeaxaVz0
- 5th April 2020 – Interview for a special TV show on COVID19 broadcasted live by TV channel SIC Notícias
- 20th April 2020 – COVID webinar for Harvard Club Portugal with Maria João Amorim and Sean Whelan.
- 1st May 2020 – Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. Assim fala a Ciência. O que sabemos e ainda não sabemos sobre este vírus? Interview by David Marçal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnQFJvy62-E
- 1st May 2020 - Interviewed by Filipa Basílio da Silva for Fronteiras XXI a program by RTP3 and Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. Written piece: https://fronteirasxxi.pt/coronavirus/
- 10th May 2020 -Interviewed for the documentary on a possible link between COVID and BCG vaccine for the J8 show in TVI.https://tvi24.iol.pt/sociedade/vacina-bcg/alexandra-borges-vacina-da-bcg-pode-ser-a-nova-arma-contra-a-covid-19
- 8th May 2020 – Why vaccines take a long time to be developed. RTP Notícias interviewed by radio station Antena 1,https://www.rtp.pt/noticias/pais/investigadora-maria-joao-amorim-acredita-que-vacina-so-surgira-em-2021_a1227097
- 12th May 2020 – Interviewed for the documentary on serology tests for the J8 show in TVI.
- 31th May 2020 interviewed for the journal “Observador” on a piece about vaccines by Vera Novais.
- 17th July 2020 Invited written piece for Fundação Franscisco Manuel dos Santos on “After 6 months what is the best way to limit the pandemics?” https://www.ffms.pt/blog/artigo/465/apos-6-meses-de-pandemia-como-limitar-a-circulacao-da-covid19
- 20th July 2020 Interviewed for the journal “Publico” on efficiency of vaccines against SARS-CoV2
- 21th July 2020 Interviewed for the journal “Publico” on “After 6 months what are the mysteries of SARS-CoV2” https://www.publico.pt/2020/07/21/ciencia/noticia/misterios-novo-coronavirus-continua-esconder-1924779
- 27th September 2020 Interviewed for the TV channel SIC news 2201 on “SARS-CoV-2 on the winter of 2020” - https://sicnoticias.pt/especiais/coronavirus/2020-09-27-O-nosso-cansaco-acaba-por-ser-uma-vantagem-a-transmissao-do-virus.
- 13th October 2020 interviewed by the newspaper “Público” on SARS-CoV-2 stability in the environment https://www.publico.pt/2020/10/12/ciencia/noticia/covid19-virus-sobreviver-28-dias-temperatura-ambiente-condicoes-controladas-laboratorio-1934960.
- 2nd November 2020 interviewed for the program “Da Capa à Contracapa (from front to back cover” for Radio station Renascença, a joint program with Fundação Francisco Manuela dos Santos, to talk about “Pandemics: what we learnt from governments, science and public health.
- 13th November 2020, “First case of coronavirus was one year ago”. Interview to this piece in expresso:
- 8th December 2020 – Interviewed life for the programme 360º held in the TV channel RTP3 about SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. http://pt.cision.com/cp2013/ClippingDetails.aspx?id=e0b03fc3-3c69-49b7-88eb-e9baea4d133e&userid=8cebaf73-3df7-4502-91a2-ca3f238fa3f8
- 14th January 2021 – Invited for the debate: Covid19 from 8 to 80: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdnAWjyJvG-EOdClSzP-B6FGMVZkXS8gz
- 16th January 2021 – Interviewed by the journal Público about new identified viral mutants. https://www.publico.pt/2021/01/16/ciencia/noticia/preocupante-variantes-identificadas-brasil-africa-sul-1946367
- 22nd January 2021 – Interviewed by journal Expresso about the new identified viral mutants. https://expresso.pt/coronavirus/2021-01-21-Variante-do-Reino-Unido-representa-30-dos-casos-de-Lisboa
- 18th February 2021 – Interviewed by Visão about the new variants identified: Covid-19 - Podemos derrotar as variantes do vírus?http://pt.cision.com/cp2013/ClippingDetails.aspx?id=31045247-08a1-4d99-85a1-b9e755eeb754&analises=1&cp=1&userid=8cebaf73-3df7-4502-91a2-ca3f238fa3f8
- 12th March 2021 – Opinion article for the journal DN on the history of a promising future “A história de um futuro promissor” http://pt.cision.com/cp2013/ClippingDetails.aspx?id=598a2e5f-7d74-4968-95a2-10c648879311&analises=1&cp=1&userid=8cebaf73-3df7-4502-91a2-ca3f238fa3f8
- https://www.cmjornal.pt/sociedade/detalhe/gouveia-e-melo-1700-profissionais-vao-reforcar-segunda-fase-da-vacinacao-700-mil-portugueses-ja-com-duas-doses
- 20th-30th April – Talking to scientists about COVID19 vaccines – https://www.cienciaviva.pt/divulgacao-cientifica/vacinas-covid19
Media coverage:
- https://www.dn.pt/sociedade/task-force-vacinacao-diaria-de-100-mil-pessoas-dentro-de-duas-a-tres-semanas--13593631.html
- https://observador.pt/2021/04/20/gouveia-e-melo-o-problema-nao-e-vacinar-100-mil-pessoas-e-fazer-os-agendamentos/
- https://www.rtp.pt/noticias/pais/vacinacao-necessita-de-reforco-de-1700-profissionais-de-saude-task-force_n1313778
- https://rr.sapo.pt/2021/04/20/pais/vacinacao-segunda-fase-vai-obrigar-a-contratar-mais-1700-profissionais-diz-gouveia-e-melo/noticia/amp/235418/
- https://www.publico.pt/2021/04/20/sociedade/noticia/vacinacao-diaria-100-mil-pessoas-dentro-duas-tres-semanas-1959376
- https://sol.sapo.pt/artigo/732052/gouveia-e-melo-diz-que-e-necessario-contratar-mais-1-700-profissionais-para-reforcar-a-segunda-fase-da-vacinacao
- https://www.sabado.pt/ultima-hora/detalhe/vacinacao-precisa-de-reforco-de-1700-profissionais-de-saude
- https://eco.sapo.pt/2021/04/20/portugal-vai-vacinar-100-mil-pessoas-por-dia-dentro-de-duas-a-tres-semanas/
- https://noticiasrtv.com/la-vacunacion-necesita-refuerzo-de-1-700-profesionales-de-la-salud/
- https://www.dn.pt/sociedade/no-futuro-teremos-vacinas-mais-adequadas-a-idosos-doentes-cronicos-e-ate-a-jovens-13580832.html
14th May 2021 - Interviewed by the journal Público about relaxation of social measures for SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated people: “http://pt.cision.com/cp2013/ClippingDetails.aspx?id=59c27d97-073a-43b9-a907-f7138efe0133&analises=1&cp=1&userid=8cebaf73-3df7-4502-91a2-ca3f238fa3f8”
- 15th May 2021 - Opinion article on science needs to be valued:A valorização da ciência merece ser uma certeza :https://www.publico.pt/2021/05/15/ciencia/opiniao/valorizacao-ciencia-merece-certeza-1962091- 22nd June 2021– webinar and debate - Hora do Público: Situação epidemiológica em LVT, invited by the jornal Público.
- 28th February 2020 – Interviewed by Sic Notícias on the topic of influenza versus SARS-CoV-2. https://sicnoticias.pt/especiais/coronavirus/2020-02-28-Coronavirus-como-Portugal-esta-preparado.
- Participation in the documentary – the art of cure, episode X – recorded on 03rd of March 2020.
- 11th March 2020 – Interviewed by Pavilhão do Conhecimento - Centro Ciência Viva concerning viral epidemics and pandemics.
- 14th March 2020 – Interviewed by Journal DN on the topic of COVID-19: https://www.dn.pt/edicao-do-dia/14-mar-2020/maria-joao-amorim-como-virologista-acho-que-e-muito-importante-a-prevencao-para-conter-o-virus-11928813.html
- 15th March 2020 -Interviewed for podcast 45 GRAUS (45 degrees) on the COVID19 – What is this new virus and how does it spread. https://45graus.parafuso.net/2020/03/15/especial-covid-19-maria-joo-amorim-que-vrus-este-e-como-se-comporta/
- 22nd March 2020 – interview on the news TV show 360º, RTP3, for awareness of COVID19, https://www.rtp.pt/play/p6656/e463096/360/815034-
- 02nd April 2020 – speaker on webinar about “COVID19” to the public, with Diana Lousa ITQB, Thiago Carvalho Champalimaud Foundation, Vasco Barreto CEDOC and Pedro Simas IMM, António Roldão, iBET. buff.ly/3dIuul5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvRBKm_NM30&feature=youtu.be
- 04th April 2020 – Interview for DN journal about how the vaccine BCG could confer protection to SARS-CoV-2 infection. https://www.dn.pt/vida-e-futuro/vacina-contra-a-tuberculose-pode-dar-alguma-protecao-12030508.html?fbclid=IwAR3YVVeIsCuWv56mNZYt0sV_0v4MpFO_zQhxnmozwH4s1d0uzAWXeaxaVz0
- 5th April 2020 – Interview for a special TV show on COVID19 broadcasted live by TV channel SIC Notícias
- 20th April 2020 – COVID webinar for Harvard Club Portugal with Maria João Amorim and Sean Whelan.
- 1st May 2020 – Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. Assim fala a Ciência. O que sabemos e ainda não sabemos sobre este vírus? Interview by David Marçal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnQFJvy62-E
- 1st May 2020 - Interviewed by Filipa Basílio da Silva for Fronteiras XXI a program by RTP3 and Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. Written piece: https://fronteirasxxi.pt/coronavirus/
- 10th May 2020 -Interviewed for the documentary on a possible link between COVID and BCG vaccine for the J8 show in TVI.https://tvi24.iol.pt/sociedade/vacina-bcg/alexandra-borges-vacina-da-bcg-pode-ser-a-nova-arma-contra-a-covid-19
- 8th May 2020 – Why vaccines take a long time to be developed. RTP Notícias interviewed by radio station Antena 1,https://www.rtp.pt/noticias/pais/investigadora-maria-joao-amorim-acredita-que-vacina-so-surgira-em-2021_a1227097
- 12th May 2020 – Interviewed for the documentary on serology tests for the J8 show in TVI.
- 31th May 2020 interviewed for the journal “Observador” on a piece about vaccines by Vera Novais.
- 17th July 2020 Invited written piece for Fundação Franscisco Manuel dos Santos on “After 6 months what is the best way to limit the pandemics?” https://www.ffms.pt/blog/artigo/465/apos-6-meses-de-pandemia-como-limitar-a-circulacao-da-covid19
- 20th July 2020 Interviewed for the journal “Publico” on efficiency of vaccines against SARS-CoV2
- 21th July 2020 Interviewed for the journal “Publico” on “After 6 months what are the mysteries of SARS-CoV2” https://www.publico.pt/2020/07/21/ciencia/noticia/misterios-novo-coronavirus-continua-esconder-1924779
- 27th September 2020 Interviewed for the TV channel SIC news 2201 on “SARS-CoV-2 on the winter of 2020” - https://sicnoticias.pt/especiais/coronavirus/2020-09-27-O-nosso-cansaco-acaba-por-ser-uma-vantagem-a-transmissao-do-virus.
- 13th October 2020 interviewed by the newspaper “Público” on SARS-CoV-2 stability in the environment https://www.publico.pt/2020/10/12/ciencia/noticia/covid19-virus-sobreviver-28-dias-temperatura-ambiente-condicoes-controladas-laboratorio-1934960.
- 2nd November 2020 interviewed for the program “Da Capa à Contracapa (from front to back cover” for Radio station Renascença, a joint program with Fundação Francisco Manuela dos Santos, to talk about “Pandemics: what we learnt from governments, science and public health.
- 13th November 2020, “First case of coronavirus was one year ago”. Interview to this piece in expresso:
- 8th December 2020 – Interviewed life for the programme 360º held in the TV channel RTP3 about SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. http://pt.cision.com/cp2013/ClippingDetails.aspx?id=e0b03fc3-3c69-49b7-88eb-e9baea4d133e&userid=8cebaf73-3df7-4502-91a2-ca3f238fa3f8
- 14th January 2021 – Invited for the debate: Covid19 from 8 to 80: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdnAWjyJvG-EOdClSzP-B6FGMVZkXS8gz
- 16th January 2021 – Interviewed by the journal Público about new identified viral mutants. https://www.publico.pt/2021/01/16/ciencia/noticia/preocupante-variantes-identificadas-brasil-africa-sul-1946367
- 22nd January 2021 – Interviewed by journal Expresso about the new identified viral mutants. https://expresso.pt/coronavirus/2021-01-21-Variante-do-Reino-Unido-representa-30-dos-casos-de-Lisboa
- 18th February 2021 – Interviewed by Visão about the new variants identified: Covid-19 - Podemos derrotar as variantes do vírus?http://pt.cision.com/cp2013/ClippingDetails.aspx?id=31045247-08a1-4d99-85a1-b9e755eeb754&analises=1&cp=1&userid=8cebaf73-3df7-4502-91a2-ca3f238fa3f8
- 12th March 2021 – Opinion article for the journal DN on the history of a promising future “A história de um futuro promissor” http://pt.cision.com/cp2013/ClippingDetails.aspx?id=598a2e5f-7d74-4968-95a2-10c648879311&analises=1&cp=1&userid=8cebaf73-3df7-4502-91a2-ca3f238fa3f8
- https://www.cmjornal.pt/sociedade/detalhe/gouveia-e-melo-1700-profissionais-vao-reforcar-segunda-fase-da-vacinacao-700-mil-portugueses-ja-com-duas-doses
- 20th-30th April – Talking to scientists about COVID19 vaccines – https://www.cienciaviva.pt/divulgacao-cientifica/vacinas-covid19
Media coverage:
- https://www.dn.pt/sociedade/task-force-vacinacao-diaria-de-100-mil-pessoas-dentro-de-duas-a-tres-semanas--13593631.html
- https://observador.pt/2021/04/20/gouveia-e-melo-o-problema-nao-e-vacinar-100-mil-pessoas-e-fazer-os-agendamentos/
- https://www.rtp.pt/noticias/pais/vacinacao-necessita-de-reforco-de-1700-profissionais-de-saude-task-force_n1313778
- https://rr.sapo.pt/2021/04/20/pais/vacinacao-segunda-fase-vai-obrigar-a-contratar-mais-1700-profissionais-diz-gouveia-e-melo/noticia/amp/235418/
- https://www.publico.pt/2021/04/20/sociedade/noticia/vacinacao-diaria-100-mil-pessoas-dentro-duas-tres-semanas-1959376
- https://sol.sapo.pt/artigo/732052/gouveia-e-melo-diz-que-e-necessario-contratar-mais-1-700-profissionais-para-reforcar-a-segunda-fase-da-vacinacao
- https://www.sabado.pt/ultima-hora/detalhe/vacinacao-precisa-de-reforco-de-1700-profissionais-de-saude
- https://eco.sapo.pt/2021/04/20/portugal-vai-vacinar-100-mil-pessoas-por-dia-dentro-de-duas-a-tres-semanas/
- https://noticiasrtv.com/la-vacunacion-necesita-refuerzo-de-1-700-profesionales-de-la-salud/
- https://www.dn.pt/sociedade/no-futuro-teremos-vacinas-mais-adequadas-a-idosos-doentes-cronicos-e-ate-a-jovens-13580832.html
14th May 2021 - Interviewed by the journal Público about relaxation of social measures for SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated people: “http://pt.cision.com/cp2013/ClippingDetails.aspx?id=59c27d97-073a-43b9-a907-f7138efe0133&analises=1&cp=1&userid=8cebaf73-3df7-4502-91a2-ca3f238fa3f8”
- 15th May 2021 - Opinion article on science needs to be valued:A valorização da ciência merece ser uma certeza :https://www.publico.pt/2021/05/15/ciencia/opiniao/valorizacao-ciencia-merece-certeza-1962091- 22nd June 2021– webinar and debate - Hora do Público: Situação epidemiológica em LVT, invited by the jornal Público.
May 2019
Os cérebros da Ciência - da ideia às descobertas
Fotographic exhibition
Jardim da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian 31 de maio a 28 de julho 2019
Os cérebros da Ciência - da ideia às descobertas
Fotographic exhibition
Jardim da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian 31 de maio a 28 de julho 2019
Scientist: Maria João Amorim
Laboratory: Cellular Biology of Viral Infection
Education: Biochemistry, PhD in Virology, University of Cambridge, UK.
Every year flu makes the news headlines because of the impact it has on the population and on health services. At the origin of this infectious disease is a virus with unique particularities.
Maria João Amorim studies the secrets of influenza virus to understand how this virus interacts with infected cells and our immune system.
During a lecture, she showed us an image of an infected human cell, obtained simultaneously by fluorescence and electron microscopy, and shared the latest discovery of her lab: that the virus establishes sites dedicated to the assembly of influenza A virus genome - a first step in the formation of viral particles that will later infect other people.
These advances are crucial to define strategies to mitigate, prevent and combat new strains of the flu virus.
Outside the laboratory Maria João expresses her creativity dedicating herself to crafts.
Laboratory: Cellular Biology of Viral Infection
Education: Biochemistry, PhD in Virology, University of Cambridge, UK.
Every year flu makes the news headlines because of the impact it has on the population and on health services. At the origin of this infectious disease is a virus with unique particularities.
Maria João Amorim studies the secrets of influenza virus to understand how this virus interacts with infected cells and our immune system.
During a lecture, she showed us an image of an infected human cell, obtained simultaneously by fluorescence and electron microscopy, and shared the latest discovery of her lab: that the virus establishes sites dedicated to the assembly of influenza A virus genome - a first step in the formation of viral particles that will later infect other people.
These advances are crucial to define strategies to mitigate, prevent and combat new strains of the flu virus.
Outside the laboratory Maria João expresses her creativity dedicating herself to crafts.
April 2019
Our paper published in Nature Communications was mentioned in several Portuguese and international media.
Press release - NATIONAL:
Our paper published in Nature Communications was mentioned in several Portuguese and international media.
Press release - NATIONAL:
- https://www.publico.pt/2019/04/09/ciencia/noticia/equipa-portuguesa-descobre-mecanismo-onde-forma-virus-gripe-1868533
- https://tvi24.iol.pt/tecnologia/gulbenkian/cientistas-portugueses-descobrem-mecanismo-que-forma-o-virus-da-gripe-a
- https://www.dn.pt/vida-e-futuro/interior/descoberto-mecanismo-que-forma-virus-da-gripe-a-10776262.html
Lunch and lab walk Azenhas do Mar, April 2019
From left to right -
The lab composition in 2015 and 2013
From left to right -
The lab composition in 2015 and 2013

March 2018
We say goodbye to Luka after an internship in the lab.
We say goodbye to Luka after an internship in the lab.