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Mónica Bettencourt-Dias

Group Leader

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I am passionate about science and making it accessible to all.
Love thinking about challenging and important questions and how to find the best strategies to solve them. Love to work in a team with people from different fields and backgrounds.

Mini Curriculum Vitae (Download comprehensive version)

2018 Director of the IGC

2015 ERC Consolidator grant

2015 Elected EMBO member

2013 FCT Investigator- Advanced level

2012 Keith Porter Fellowship

2010 ERC starting grant

2009 Membership of the EMBO Young Investigator Programme.

2007, 2012 Pfizer award for Basic research

2007 EMBO Installation Grant

2007 Eppendorf European Young Investigator Award

From Oct 2006: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, PT - Principal Investigator

  • Cell Cycle Regulation Lab – see webpage for research interests

Jan 2002-Sep 2006: University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK - Research Associate

  • Cell Cycle Genetics Group headed by David Glover. Identification of novel mechanisms involved in cell cycle regulation and centrosome biogenesis.

Oct 2002-Dec 2004: Birkbeck College London, UK - Diploma in Science Communication

  • This course combined practice in communication skills and work on media production within an academic study of science communication.

Oct 1997-Dec 2001: University College London, UK - PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

  • Supervised by Jeremy Brockes. We investigated the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying regeneration in salamanders.

Oct 1996-Oct 1997: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, PT - Gulbenkian PhD Programe in Biology & Medicine

Oct 1992-Oct 1996: FCUL, Lisboa, PT, 5 year degree in Biochemistry. Final classification 18/20.

Other Interests: Science Communication & Photography